Hampstead NC SEO

Sanford Web Design provides search engine optimization, search engine marketing, website design and website development which creates high-quality, cost-effective search engine optimized web sites for our clients. We do this by combining our creative and technical skills along with our knowledge of business, marketing and advanced SEO techniques to create high-ranking web sites.

Sanford Web Design is a leader in Organic Search Engine Optimization, meta tag composition, high-quality inbound link network creation, and pay-per-click campaign management. Our strategies have successfully promoted dozens of web sites to the top of their preferred search term (keywords) organic rankings on Google and other search engines. We stake our reputation as an SEO company on the results of our work.

As an SEO company, we’ve also done organic search engine optimization all by itself, without a visual redesign. Let us put our expertise to work for your web site today with a SEO expansion, or at least a meta tag, architecture, current search engine ranking and inbound links review. e

Call us today for a free introductory consultation or fill out our convenient form on the contact page for a complimentary site SEO analysis. Our headquarters is located in Sanford, NC. However we will be moving to the Hampstead, NC and Wilmington, NC area shortly. Please call for an appointment so we can discuss the particulars of your marketing and SEO challenges.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Twitter Cards: A Quick Start Guide

Everyone should know by now, the importance of creating multiple streams of internet traffic to ensure ongoing success. Relying strictly on Google organic traffic is both unwise and dangerous.

No one is immune from being negatively impacted by an algorithmic update, at any time. It is completely out of your control and if you aren't prepared for it, it can be devastating.

That's where social media comes in. Done correctly, it can drive tons of qualified traffic to your website.

Social media is more conversational than transactional, but smart retailers are finding ways to convert conversations into revenues. Twitter and Facebook are the undisputed leaders in the social space and should be the first place to look for opportunities. The challenge is in figuring out just how to stand out.

In the case of Twitter, one of the best ways is to use Twitter cards. Twitter cards allow people to view videos, pictures, and product information, without leaving the twitter feed. Instead of clicking a link, all of the information and content is displayed in the tweet. As more people use Twitter cards, they will have less impact, so now is the time to get started.

Using Twitter Cards for Business

As with any marketing tool, it's critical to have a plan for how Twitter cards will be used. Some of the most effective uses include:

Introducing new products: Because a picture can be included on the cards they are a great way to introduce new products and to generate excitement.Offering resources: Businesses often offer great resources for their customers on their website. The Twitter card can help direct people to these resources and build brand awareness.Using current events: Twitter cards can use popular events to help create a card that is passed along to others. Retweeting of business cards is a great way to spread information for a business.Sharing videos: If a business has a video that becomes popular, the Twitter card be shared and brand awareness will grow.Lead generation: A great way to capture email addresses.Types of Twitter Cards

The process to get Twitter cards is fairly simple, but before you get started, you will need to know the eight types of Twitter cards that businesses are using.

Summary Cards

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